
NT0038,NT0039 2024年01月01日のこと




 より激しく揺れ出した。だんだん強くなる。YOU TUBEに上がってた東日本大震災での個人撮影のビデオを思い出した。半信半疑ながら、本棚が倒れてくる場面を思い出してしまい、立ち上がって本棚を抑えた。




 1階に降りて、テレビを視た。NHKのアナウンサーが「津波が来る!」と絶叫していた。絶叫自体は酷く正しいことに思えたが、しかし、このあたり、海岸線より8キロ程の所。どうしたものか? と考えてしまった。これも平生より想像していたことだが、これが東日本大震災の時に実際に起きたように、また南海トラフ地震で想定されている通り、波高が30mのものが来るのであれば、8キロの距離など何の役にも立たないが、日本海側で想定される波高は5mほどである。うっかり庄川の河川敷にでもいない限りこの辺に津波の害が及ぶとは思えなかったのだが、さてそういう楽観は正しいのか? なんとも居心地の悪き気分だ。余震が来る。でも、まぁ、この程度なら。あと、テレビでは「津波タワーなど高い所へ」などと言っているが、この辺に津波タワーなんてない。新湊の市街地で、土地の名家の高校の同級生が今やってる、子供の時、新湊の堀岡に住んでいたころ、何度か行った4階建てくらいのスーパーの事を思い出した。近所の人たち、あそこに逃げ込んだりしてるんだろうか?

 元同僚の顕正会の姫が堀岡に今住んでいる、はず。彼女の実家もすぐ近所で。どうしているのだろう? 無事避難できたかな?






If I had children, New Year's would be different and fun, just like when I was a child. It's not only for children but also for adults. Well, my parents are old and have various physical problems, and I'm not that old, but I'm not eating well and I'm pretty worn out. I left my brother-in-law in the Kansai region and returned home at the end of the year, hoping that my younger sister would spend many more New Year's holidays with her parents. It's quiet. It was a quiet New Year's holiday, not so bright, and although I felt a bit ashamed of myself.

As the kid's room guy, I was spending my days in my room reading books and tinkering with things like any other day off.

It's past 4pm for her. The room shook. I felt that I was a little stronger than usual. In recent years, earthquakes with epicenters in Noto have been increasing. That's what it looks like from the way it shakes. I thought it would subside, but as expected, the shaking gradually became smaller and it never came!  

It started shaking even more violently. It gradually becomes stronger. It reminded me of a video of a personal photo taken during the Great East Japan Earthquake that was posted on YOU TUBE. Although I was skeptical, I remembered the scene where the bookshelf was falling over, so I stood up and held it down.

Although the books did not fall from the bookshelf that I was holding down with my hands, the PC on the desk fell over and the books slipped from the bookshelf that I had not held down. My legs are gradually filling up. Strangely enough, I didn't feel like my life was in danger. In fact, even up to this point, there was a sense of unreality. More than that, I was tired of imagining how troublesome it would be to clean up after an earthquake.

The shaking lasted longer than last year's Noto earthquake. But that will all subside eventually. I have to get out of the room for now. I was buried up to my thighs in books, but I was able to pull them out without too much difficulty, stepped on a crumbled book, and just as I was out of the room, my sister came up from the first floor to check on me. Ta. The elderly parents on the first floor didn't have any problems, only a few things fell over.

In normal life, I would watch breaking news online from my PC, but I'm not in that situation. My cell phone is also buried in books.

I went down to the first floor and watched TV. An NHK announcer was screaming, "Tsunami is coming!" The screams themselves seemed horribly correct, but this area, about 8 kilometers from the coastline. What should I do? That's what I thought. This is something I had imagined for a long time, but if a wave with a height of 30m were to occur, as actually happened during the Great East Japan Earthquake, and as expected in the Nankai Trough earthquake, then the distance would be 8km. Although it is of no use, the expected wave height on the Sea of Japan side is about 5 meters. I didn't think the tsunami would cause any damage to this area unless I accidentally ended up on the Shogawa riverbed, but is that optimism correct?  It feels really uncomfortable. Aftershocks are coming. But, well, at least this much. Also, on TV they say things like ``Go to a high place like a tsunami tower,'' but there are no tsunami towers around here. It reminded me of a four-story supermarket in the downtown area of Shinminato that my high school classmate from a prominent local family now runs, and that I used to visit several times when I was a child and lived in Horioka, Shinminato. Are the people in the neighborhood taking refuge there?

A former colleague of mine, the Princess of Kenshokai, is now living in Horioka, I believe. Her parents' house is also nearby. What are you doing? Were you able to evacuate safely?

I was thinking about this as I watched the earthquake information coming on the TV.

This is also a story from my childhood. I used to really enjoy New Year's TV shows when I was a kid, but at some point I stopped enjoying them so much that I almost never watch them anymore, but I wonder if the people who make them put a lot of effort into making them or not. , that kind of New Year's program was completely blown away. It's too late for me, but it's been a very happy New Year for all of Japan.

By the way, there was a year when my aunt-in-law's funeral was on New Year's Eve. At that time, the whole family caught a cold, and we spent all three days at home sleeping under a futon.

 Somehow, during the New Year itself, I feel like I have to make a fresh start, and before I know it, it feels like I have to make a fresh start. That's not good. I try to act like that when interacting with the public. Also, I appreciate the holidays.

It took about 4 hours before I was able to find my PC and cell phone, as I hadn't cleaned up the place very carefully. I sat down in the chair space I had managed to make and thought, ``Oh, what a pain.'' It seems that the most damaged room in our house was my room.

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