

8213 プロンプト_More ferocious than Ray Harryhausen's Cyclops


8213 プロンプト_More ferocious than Ray Harryhausen's Cyclops

8212 あの坂の向こうには海が広がる


8212 あの坂の向こうには海が広がる

 米島にある中越パルプの工場は子供のころから恐ろしく凶暴な悪臭を周囲にはなっていた。今はこういう時代だ。そういうことは許されない時代なので、工場の外に出てしまえば向かいに普通に食品スーパーがあったりするほど普通だが、一度など前の会社の仕事で工場の構内に入った時など、一番コアなところで仕事をしたせいもあるが、かの臭いは健在で、工場で働く人の中でリアルに鼻が曲がってる人を何人か見かけて、ひぇ~! とか思った。






8211 Miranda Kerr _6


8211 Miranda Kerr _6


8206 プロンプト_マクドナルドのキャラクターだったロナルド又はドナルドと、ITのペニーワイズの格闘シーン。背景は破壊された街並み


8025 プロンプト_西洋風にアレンジされた烏天狗の怪獣


8205 プロンプト_西洋風にアレンジされた烏天狗の怪獣


8204 高岡 伏木国分 廃墟 2023年11月


8204 高岡 伏木国分 廃墟 2023年11月




 昔、企画もののアダルトビデオで全国を旅して土地の女のコにお願いして、っていうかナンパして、というのがあったのだが、その当地編、この廃墟で撮影してたんじゃないかと思う。海見える廃墟だったし。安く見られたものだなぁ、富山女子! と、なんかさみしい気持ちになった。


The road from Fushiki to Himi runs from Fushiki Kokubu to Amaharashi.Nowadays, there is a tunnel that everyone passes through, but when I was a child, there were no tunnels and we went along the road along the coast. It's just a little detour. When I passed by now, the road was narrow.

There is a slightly expensive public bath at the entrance, but it's a short section with nothing else going on, but there is one ruin that looks like it's leaning against a cliff from my childhood. It's not like it was ruined by the recent earthquake. I don't remember the ruins that have existed since I was a child, but there was a time when they had been cleaned up or rebuilt, and there were signs that people were living there or that they were operating lodging facilities. It was now in ruins, as if it were debilitating.

Even though it's called a ruin, it doesn't seem scary at all. A little further up the mountain, there was another terrifying ruin, a former hospital, but the building had now been demolished and it was covered in grass, making it impossible to approach. The ruins here are nothing like that, just exposing themselves in a state of disrepair.

About 20 years ago, there was an adult video project in which he traveled all over the country and asked local girls, or rather, picked them up, and I think the local version was filmed in this ruin. . It was a ruin with a view of the sea. That was cheap, Toyama girls! I felt an unbearable feeling.

The situation in November of last year. I didn't go to check, so I don't know, but the beach road in front of the building may have been closed due to the risk of it collapsing in an earthquake, but I don't think anyone would be bothered by that.

8203 woman _1044


8203 woman _1044

8202 GXPA16


8202 GXPA16

Elfyn Evans & Scott Martin
Monte-Carlo 2024


8201 Freddie Spencer_50


8201 Freddie Spencer_50

Freddie Spencer
Jarama  1983

NT0044 赤いカタナと自殺した少年の事


 もう10年以上前になると思うが、オレが出た高校の、まぁ言ってみれば後輩にあたる、その当時の現役の高校生の男のコ。彼の小さいころからの夢が大工になることだったそうで、でも、なまじ学校の成績が良かったものだから、このあたりでは有数のオレが出た進学校に入らされた、らしい。しかし、自分の理想とその時の状況の乖離に耐えられなくなったのだろうか? 美術教室で首を吊ったんだそうだ。まぁ、あくまで噂でしか知らないんだが。



 ふと、オレが高校生の時の一コマ、1枚のスナップ写真のように思い出した。駅前の、今は向かいに移っていったコンビニの居ぬきの店舗に代わりに入った海鮮居酒屋のあたり、しばらくの期間、歩道に赤のカタナが止まっていたんだ。物々しい馬力を湛えているというのに、そんなの関係ねぇ、とばかりに眠りをむさぼるようにそこに止まっている様が、何とも面白かった。道行く人の何人が、コイツのヤバさ知ってるんだろ? そう思うと尚の事痛快で面白かった。





 彼の自殺した少年にはそういう物がなかったのだろうか? オレはカタナに救われた。

I remember writing about it before. But no, I don't know where that sentence is anymore.

I think it was more than 10 years ago, but there was a boy who was a current high school student at the high school I went to, who was actually my junior, to put it bluntly. It seems that his dream since childhood was to become a carpenter, but because he had good grades at his junior high school, he was admitted to one of the best preparatory schools in the area. However, did he become unable to bear the discrepancy between his ideals and the situation at the time? Apparently he hanged himself in an art class. Well, I only know from rumors.

At his age, he was so far away from me that I could almost call him my own son, and it was painful. Well, it doesn't matter what era he is in, it's painful not being able to live the way he wanted. Mr. Sanma Akashiya is famous for saying that you can make money just by being alive, but it's not very convincing when someone in that position says that.

Even though he attended that high school, his grades were not what he expected, and even more so, he may have felt a serious decline in his self-confidence.

Suddenly, I remembered a frame from when I was in high school, like a snapshot. For a while, a red katana was parked on the sidewalk in front of the station, near the seafood izakaya that replaced the convenience store that had moved across the street. Even though it had a tremendous amount of horsepower, it was very interesting to see it just sitting there, as if it didn't matter, as if sleeping. I wonder how many people on the street know how dangerous this guy is? When I thought about it, it was even more exciting and interesting.

It was the best preparatory school in the area, so of course I hadn't even ridden a motorcycle at that time, nor had I bought a motorcycle magazine yet.

Speaking of me, my high school days were, well, dark times. If we follow the rule (?) that we remember more vividly what we did than what we did, ink was sprinkled on my sports shoes in the classroom for my physical education class, Gym uniforms were put into the incinerator. Rather than it being painful, I feel like I've given up on the people who are going to be great from now on, and that the future of this society, which will be run by people like this, isn't that big of a deal. Well, I couldn't have stopped him red-handed, but I was so angry that I thought I'd punch him the next time he tried.

Well, people around me say I'm not that kind of person, but I hit someone about once every 10 years. In fact, rather than feeling depressed, I had a strange adrenaline rush when I was in high school. I'm really saying this now. But, well, if it was painful, it might have been painful.

The red katana didn't comfort me, and I felt like I was getting a glimpse of a future different from the future of this insignificant society where I was sleeping there, filled with tremendous heat. .

Didn't the boy who committed suicide have something like that? I was saved by Katana.

8200 GSX1100S _30


8200 GSX1100S _30


8199 プロンプト_体高100mでうろこと角を持った虎の怪獣の全身


8199 プロンプト_体高100mでうろこと角を持った虎の怪獣の全身

8198 高岡 伏木国分 2023年11月


8198 高岡 伏木国分 2023年11月

8197 吉岡里帆 _11


8197 吉岡里帆 _11

8196 BB4 _4


8196 BB4 _4

8195 Harris KZ1000 _3


8195 Harris KZ1000 _3

8194 GSX1100S _29


8194 GSX1100S _29


8193 プロンプト_ホオジロザメに猛獣の手脚が付いた怪獣


8193 プロンプト_ホオジロザメに猛獣の手脚が付いた怪獣

8192 高岡 伏木中央町 2023年11月 _2


8192 高岡 伏木中央町 2023年11月 _2


8191 Valenti Vitel


8191 Valenti Vitel

8190 GC8F _5


8190 GC8F _5


8182 FX400R_26


8182 FX400R_26

NT0042,NT0043 2024年1月4日にfacebookに投稿したもの


 いろいろネットの記事を読んでいて、なんだっけ、大学の時、ディベートのときに将来に起きることを立論するために、テンデンシーとトリガーと、あと一つ、なんだっけ? どんどんことのためのエネルギー送り込むやつだったとおもうけど。そういうのを思い出しました。その3つそろえとけば立論は形にはなるみたいなこと聞いたような覚えがある。それを思い出しました。












 あ、あとそうだ、今回のが逆断層型で、断層南側の輪島付近が隆起しているのであれば、北側、沖合の舳倉島はどうなったんだろう? 津波被害もあっただろうし、沈降しているかもしれない。情報がどうにも入ってこないが。

I'll be back at work tomorrow, but since I work in Himi City, which is said to be an area affected by the disaster, I don't expect things to go as planned for the end of the year. Aside from that, I didn't drink alcohol on New Year's Day. I have had some alcohol for the first time today.

I was reading various articles on the internet, and I was wondering, when I was in college, in order to make a case for what would happen in the future during debates, I used Tendency, Trigger, and one more thing. I think he was the type of person who was pumping energy for things. That's what I remembered. I remember hearing that if you put those three things together, your argument will take shape. I remembered that.

It happened four days ago, so it is not something that will happen in the future, but it will probably happen again in the future.

And the one that sends out a lot of energy. This is plate tectonics, where the Eurasian plate and the Philippine plate (in addition to the Pacific plate and North American plate are helping) are pushing into each other around Japan. In Noto and this area, there is a force pushing the Eurasian Plate southward. This gives you the power to get things done. Stress is being applied not only to this fault, but to active faults throughout Japan.

It is said that fluid, that is, high-pressure water that cannot turn into steam at 400 degrees Celsius, acted on it. I have the impression that the water itself is slippery, but something that wants to expand explosively is coming towards me. Is this the trigger?

The order is probably different, but that's why there are quite a lot of active faults in this area. Tendency?

I feel like there isn't enough about the trigger. Maybe there is something like a threshold. So, it's a little thing, I don't know what that little thing is. Assuming that there is a sudden rush when the threshold is exceeded,

Well, I feel that the stress in this area has been relieved to some extent by this earthquake, but since the fluid = water path has been established, earthquakes are constantly occurring. I feel like that.

Each active fault has a different period of large, instantaneous displacement (earthquakes), and although I have not heard of any records, future research will reveal that earthquakes occur from the northern part of the Noto Peninsula to Sado in cycles of hundreds or thousands of years. It may be possible to find out whether a group of faults can cause an earthquake of this magnitude.

Our region, Toyama Prefecture = Etchu Chugoku, has suffered only two major earthquakes on record: the Tensho Earthquake and the Ansei Hietsu Earthquake. Therefore, until this earthquake, it had been considered the prefecture least prone to earthquakes in Japan. However, looking at the deposits and underground remains, it seems that earthquake damage occurs about once every 500 years.

That's what I'm trying to understand while I'm drunk. While I was typing this, I felt several aftershocks the day before yesterday, but today I didn't feel any shaking. Although things are starting to subside, it is also true that the intensity of the large aftershocks that occur every once in a while is increasing little by little.

 Just in case, the company I work for now is doing ground reinforcement work. We've been doing a lot of work around here, but maybe we should do a follow-up survey to see what happened during this earthquake.

Anyway, I have a feeling that when I go to the office tomorrow, the workplace will be in a mess. It's a little depressing when I think about it.

Oh, and if this is a reverse fault type, and the area near Wajima on the south side of the fault is uplifted, then what happened to Hegura Island on the north side, offshore? There may have been tsunami damage, and it may have settled. I can't seem to get any information.

8181 GS1000 _3


8181 GS1000 _3

NT0040,NT0041 2024年01月03日あたりからこのかたのこと













One of her mother's tea utensils had broken, the top two-thirds of a Japanese lantern she had inherited from her mother's family had fallen over and broken, and the block wall of the house next door had broken. The fact that I had collapsed was damage caused by an earthquake that was familiar to me, other than the devastation in my room. It was fortunate that there were no injuries.
One thing that was quite noticeable in the neighborhood was that all the lanterns on the approach road to Zuiryuji Temple, called Hatchomichi, had fallen down. Also, the block wall along the main road in my neighborhood had collapsed, making it impossible to walk on the sidewalk.
When I went to work for the first time, the company's office was in terrible condition, and the lightning rod on the premises was tilted. My workplace is always a mess because I'm not good at tidying up, but at the end of the year, I came to work the day after the company closing party and cleaned it up. Alone.
I thought I wouldn't want it to be a mess again, but I found that it was still relatively clean, but the lockers that had been left there unused had fallen over, and the building wasn't leaning or damaged in any way. However, horizontal cracks had formed across the beams.

There were no particular problems commuting from my home to my office in the southern part of Himi, and as of January 6th, things seemed to be almost back to normal.

Immediately after the disaster, many of the sake bottles on the shelves at a nearby 7-Eleven fell to the floor and cracked. Customers rushed into the store, which smelled of alcohol, and mineral water and cup noodles quickly sold out. That 7-Eleven is run by a couple who are about 10 years younger than me, from the northern Kanto region, and they have only a weak connection to their respective families, and they never return home. Well, whatever, good luck! That's what I felt, but I asked his wife about what happened right after the disaster.

It seems that National Route 8 was impassable due to a collapsed cliff in Niigata Prefecture, and there were also problems with the expressway, so logistics from outside the prefecture were stopped for the past few days.
Fortunately, I don't have to worry about having enough food for two or three days at my house, including New Year's special dishes, and there are no electricity or water outages in the area where I live, and I've finished cleaning up my room. Well, recovery was complete.

However, my superior, who is several years younger than me, has a family home in front of the sea in Nanao City, and he did not come to work when I started work. However, I was able to confirm that everyone was safe.
Another female junior high school classmate who lives in the Fushiki district of Takaoka City. Roughly speaking, the land called Fushiki consists of two types of ground: lowland on the coast and on top of terraced cliffs. My classmate's house is on the top of terraced cliffs, but the lowlands have been severely liquefied and the water supply has been cut off. Apparently, she was afraid of aftershocks and had to stay in her car for a while. No, I haven't checked, but I wonder if it's still going on?

My sister went back to her hometown at the end of the year, but she couldn't get a ticket for the Raicho from Kanazawa, perhaps because JR had also suspended its Raicho service, or perhaps because all the returning tourists from Kansai were evacuating all at once. , she took the Shirasagi bound for Nagoya to Maibara, and from there returned to Nishinomiya. It happened on the second day.

For the time being, there were no injuries to my acquaintances, but I feel a bit gloomy.


8180 SC28


8180 SC28

NT0038,NT0039 2024年01月01日のこと




 より激しく揺れ出した。だんだん強くなる。YOU TUBEに上がってた東日本大震災での個人撮影のビデオを思い出した。半信半疑ながら、本棚が倒れてくる場面を思い出してしまい、立ち上がって本棚を抑えた。




 1階に降りて、テレビを視た。NHKのアナウンサーが「津波が来る!」と絶叫していた。絶叫自体は酷く正しいことに思えたが、しかし、このあたり、海岸線より8キロ程の所。どうしたものか? と考えてしまった。これも平生より想像していたことだが、これが東日本大震災の時に実際に起きたように、また南海トラフ地震で想定されている通り、波高が30mのものが来るのであれば、8キロの距離など何の役にも立たないが、日本海側で想定される波高は5mほどである。うっかり庄川の河川敷にでもいない限りこの辺に津波の害が及ぶとは思えなかったのだが、さてそういう楽観は正しいのか? なんとも居心地の悪き気分だ。余震が来る。でも、まぁ、この程度なら。あと、テレビでは「津波タワーなど高い所へ」などと言っているが、この辺に津波タワーなんてない。新湊の市街地で、土地の名家の高校の同級生が今やってる、子供の時、新湊の堀岡に住んでいたころ、何度か行った4階建てくらいのスーパーの事を思い出した。近所の人たち、あそこに逃げ込んだりしてるんだろうか?

 元同僚の顕正会の姫が堀岡に今住んでいる、はず。彼女の実家もすぐ近所で。どうしているのだろう? 無事避難できたかな?






If I had children, New Year's would be different and fun, just like when I was a child. It's not only for children but also for adults. Well, my parents are old and have various physical problems, and I'm not that old, but I'm not eating well and I'm pretty worn out. I left my brother-in-law in the Kansai region and returned home at the end of the year, hoping that my younger sister would spend many more New Year's holidays with her parents. It's quiet. It was a quiet New Year's holiday, not so bright, and although I felt a bit ashamed of myself.

As the kid's room guy, I was spending my days in my room reading books and tinkering with things like any other day off.

It's past 4pm for her. The room shook. I felt that I was a little stronger than usual. In recent years, earthquakes with epicenters in Noto have been increasing. That's what it looks like from the way it shakes. I thought it would subside, but as expected, the shaking gradually became smaller and it never came!  

It started shaking even more violently. It gradually becomes stronger. It reminded me of a video of a personal photo taken during the Great East Japan Earthquake that was posted on YOU TUBE. Although I was skeptical, I remembered the scene where the bookshelf was falling over, so I stood up and held it down.

Although the books did not fall from the bookshelf that I was holding down with my hands, the PC on the desk fell over and the books slipped from the bookshelf that I had not held down. My legs are gradually filling up. Strangely enough, I didn't feel like my life was in danger. In fact, even up to this point, there was a sense of unreality. More than that, I was tired of imagining how troublesome it would be to clean up after an earthquake.

The shaking lasted longer than last year's Noto earthquake. But that will all subside eventually. I have to get out of the room for now. I was buried up to my thighs in books, but I was able to pull them out without too much difficulty, stepped on a crumbled book, and just as I was out of the room, my sister came up from the first floor to check on me. Ta. The elderly parents on the first floor didn't have any problems, only a few things fell over.

In normal life, I would watch breaking news online from my PC, but I'm not in that situation. My cell phone is also buried in books.

I went down to the first floor and watched TV. An NHK announcer was screaming, "Tsunami is coming!" The screams themselves seemed horribly correct, but this area, about 8 kilometers from the coastline. What should I do? That's what I thought. This is something I had imagined for a long time, but if a wave with a height of 30m were to occur, as actually happened during the Great East Japan Earthquake, and as expected in the Nankai Trough earthquake, then the distance would be 8km. Although it is of no use, the expected wave height on the Sea of Japan side is about 5 meters. I didn't think the tsunami would cause any damage to this area unless I accidentally ended up on the Shogawa riverbed, but is that optimism correct?  It feels really uncomfortable. Aftershocks are coming. But, well, at least this much. Also, on TV they say things like ``Go to a high place like a tsunami tower,'' but there are no tsunami towers around here. It reminded me of a four-story supermarket in the downtown area of Shinminato that my high school classmate from a prominent local family now runs, and that I used to visit several times when I was a child and lived in Horioka, Shinminato. Are the people in the neighborhood taking refuge there?

A former colleague of mine, the Princess of Kenshokai, is now living in Horioka, I believe. Her parents' house is also nearby. What are you doing? Were you able to evacuate safely?

I was thinking about this as I watched the earthquake information coming on the TV.

This is also a story from my childhood. I used to really enjoy New Year's TV shows when I was a kid, but at some point I stopped enjoying them so much that I almost never watch them anymore, but I wonder if the people who make them put a lot of effort into making them or not. , that kind of New Year's program was completely blown away. It's too late for me, but it's been a very happy New Year for all of Japan.

By the way, there was a year when my aunt-in-law's funeral was on New Year's Eve. At that time, the whole family caught a cold, and we spent all three days at home sleeping under a futon.

 Somehow, during the New Year itself, I feel like I have to make a fresh start, and before I know it, it feels like I have to make a fresh start. That's not good. I try to act like that when interacting with the public. Also, I appreciate the holidays.

It took about 4 hours before I was able to find my PC and cell phone, as I hadn't cleaned up the place very carefully. I sat down in the chair space I had managed to make and thought, ``Oh, what a pain.'' It seems that the most damaged room in our house was my room.

8179 2024年 年賀



8170 Melanie Iglesias _77


8170 Melanie Iglesias _77

NT0037 Prelude~'Round Midnight~夜を巡る 2


Round Midnight - Sunny Wilkinson





Round Midnight - Sunny Wilkinson


Even though the title says midnight, the first thing that comes to mind is a scene in the afternoon when I was talking about this song with my girlfriend while crossing the bridge over the Kamogawa River on Kitayama Street in Kyoto. I might have been showing off to her some of her writings, which are worthless to her. It wasn't the middle of summer, but I think it was a little sweaty. After standing on the bridge and cooling off for a while in the river breeze, we went into a cool cafe in the west corner. And the drinks there were very expensive. Well, that's fine. That was back when that kind of thing was popular. It was around the time when Kitayama Street was booming.

The topic that came up was, of course, the Prelude commercial. I think she said that she liked the relaxed and calm songs. At the time, I didn't really like songs like ``She Waited'', but she completely agreed with me about this song.

I feel like I walked around Kyoto with her. When I remember it now. From Arashiyama to Kitashirakawa - Higashiyama - Yamashina - Fushimi. However, I have already forgotten most of what we talked about. In this way, only fragments suddenly come to mind.

8169 BB4 _3


8169 BB4 _3

8168 950 Super Sport


8168 950 Super Sport

8167 Howmet TX


8167 Howmet TX